This picture was from a couple of years before my story, and shows Peter deep in comtemplation wondering if it's going to be frosty that night, while sheltering my tree from a Northerly wind !
We all left the nursery that Saturday, (without the tree) but I was back Sunday morning as I knew this was the one - even Mandy said at dinner the night before " are you going back for it?" - she knew too.
The tree came back to Cornwall that weekend and here she is in June that year, 2011. Why did this one stand out ? - the taper in the lower trunk, perfectly flowing into wonderfull roots that evenly grip the soil. There are no ugly roots - no thick poking out or straight roots and no gaps where there should be roots. (The branches are very well placed as most of the lower ones were grafted into place too). This acer has come from a grower that took their time and did things properly to produce a high quality piece of material.
Which acer is it?
It almost looked too good to be a Deshojo - the leaves are very bright and very fine - but the tree is an incredibly well done graft of around 35 to 45 years old so is a 'true variety' tree from a high quality original stock plant of some description - either Deshojo or a Beni Maiko were in the running in my mind 2011. The original japanese named varieties were strictly chosen from unusual seedlings and unique hybrids if they showed quite specific traits - maybe leaf colour, leaf shape, growth habit, etc and these few trees would have been the stock plants that made all others mostly via grafting or sometimes layers and occassionally cuttings.
The tree was in a lovely shallow japanese cream oval but was drying out very quickly in Cornwall so I did a summer repot into a nice modern chinese unglazed large oval - just combing out the roots a bit, no root pruning. The larger pot is because the plans for the tree are to grow it out a bit wider on the lower branches. Over the next few months the foliage changed through purple-ish, to green, to early autumn shades of orange.
First winter all the branches were wired and March the buds started expanding so the tree was whipped out of the pot and all the roots under the trunk base were pruned off so I could get the tree back down into the pot from the raised little hill it had grown itself onto. Now a little planning ahead with the repot so the tree does not get an uneccessary disturbance in a year or two - i have positioned the trunk quite a way to the right ready to balance the long branches to the left that will be grown over the next few years. The longer root run in this direction will increase the speed and strength of the branches above, while the moisture and humidity below will support the increased foliage.
Red acer variety traits
I've been looking into the actual differences between the named varieties in the red (coralinium) family as just about every red bonsai is labelled Deshojo and have now found a few clues from the original definitions and descriptions
- Deshojo has strong leaves that are 6-7cm long on 2-3cm petiols of rusty red brown, - New foliage was described as shrimp pink to red
- Shin Deshojo was a new (in 1965) improved version with brighter colour and the ability to hold the colour for longer in spring - it is described as 'fire engine' red.
- Beni Maiko is probably a very close relative of the Deshojos but the leaves are naturally a little smaller and appear much closer to the branches as the petiols are shorter at 1-2 cm. The give away in identifying Beni Maiko though is the leaves that form later in the year - they are often mis-shapen, sometimes strangely curved or rippled on their surface
Because of the hard root prune the bud expansion stopped and the tree remained static for about a month while new roots grew. Once the roots were recovered the leaves carried on opening during mid to late April
Later in the year the new leaves will show which variety this is - in the earlier picture with the Hawk moth some leaves look irregular on the surface, and coupled with the finer growth I think we may have a fine Acer Palmatum Beni Maiko, but if the leaves stay quite similar all year the tree points to Shin Deshojo - the age is about right as it was defined in 1965.
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